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Na jeseň sme zložili ďalšiu skúšku poslušnosti tentokrát medzinárodnú BH-VT a hneď po návrate z WDS sme sa zúčastnili súťaže BH-SK v Lučenci 
v konkurencii ovčiakov a rôznych plemien a obsadili sme s 47,5 / 50 bodmi krásne 1.miesto (z 15tich).
Kedže Jerry nechce odomňa počas poslušnosti odbiehať ani na povel tak nastupujeme na súťaž vždy s bodovou zrážkou 2b,
takže výsledok strhnutého 0,5 bodu je fantastický a najmä keď sme nestihli pred súťažou trénovať keďže sme boli v Nemecku.
Je to pán úžasňáák :D


In the autumn we passed the international obedience exam BH-VT. Immediately after comming home from WDS, we took part in the competition BH-SK in Lučenec competing with shepheards and other breeds and we won the 1st place out of 15 with 47,5/50p. Jerry doesn´t want to run off from me on my command during obedience exam, we start the competition with point discount of 2p. The result with half a point down is fantastic although we didn´t have time to train before the competition, we were in Germany at that time. He is realy amazing.





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Hneď na jar ako Jerry dovŕšil vek (12mesiacov), potrebný na skúšky BH-SK sme ich úspešne zložili na 45/50 bodov.
Som sa neho neskutočne pyšná.


As soon as Jerry was 12mth in the spring, necessary for the exam BH-SK, we successfully passed it with 45/50p. I´m very proud of him.



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Od 3 mes. sa s Jerrym venujeme aj výcviku kde ako prvú súťaž absolvoval pretek BH-SK v kategórii do 12mesiacov kde obsadil 1.miesto zo 14 psíkov. Je to veľká šikula s chuťou pracovať a nie sa len vyvaľovať na gauči :D


 Since he was 3mth old, we have done the training. As the first competition he took part in obedience test BH-SK in category up to 12 mth where he finished the 1st from 14 dogs. He is realy smart, hardworking and not a couch-potato. :D